This product can be said as a solution to various problems LAN. Various issues such as the complexity of this problem pengkabelan and decrease the signal strength on the wireless network due to a variety of obstruction, such as the floor, the party-room divider or wall, the distance, or signal interference with signals from a mobile phone or other access point.
When string network device with Panasonic HD-PLC, we feel kepraktisannya, because it only required seutas cable connecting the RJ45 ethernet port adapter device to the computer. Note that in order to be connected to each other, devices ethernet adapter must be connected in a series of blocks pengkabelan electricity network is the same. That is, inter-home network can not be formed with this device as a series of different electrical cable network. If you want them, but needed access point as a bridge on each end of the network.
There is no complex configuration that must be set when we use the Panasonic HD-PLC. The only step is just to press the button on the setup of each device simultaneously. In several seconds, the network was created. However, each computer must be given numbers with the IP address of the network and the subnet mask the same.
Type of network that is a peer to peer (PTP) as there is no one central device (server) the network mechanisms, such as data access, login, and data security. Mechanism that is set by each member of the local network computer.
We try to make shipping packages of data from one computer to another. Result, data with size 103 MB (megabytes) finished copy to another computer in 47.90 seconds. That is, the speed is not yet meet the claims data transfer speeds of 190 Mbps promised by Panasonic, the manufacturers of HD-PLC is. This achievement shows that the bandwidth that is presented by Panasonic HD-PLC is still not maximal. If counted, 103 MB per second with 47.90 with 2149.4 Kbps (kilobytes per second). If converted to kbps (kilobit per second), this figure should be multiplied by 8, so that it becomes 17195.2 kbps. If converted to Mbps (megabit per second), this figure must be divided again by 1024, which will be 16.792 Mbps.
On the front of the body adapter Panasonic HD-PLC there are three LED lights that can be used as an indicator achievements speed data transfer at a time in the network. The top of the LED blue light indicates that if the data transfer speeds in the network is above 30 Mbps. Two LED lights green light indicates that data transfer speeds are between 10 Mbps and 30 Mbps.
Panasonic HD-PLC offers practicality in building a local network PTP (peer to peer) network based on a series of electricity. With kepraktisannya, the perngkat is able to meet the needs of general users (who do not understand the detail of the computer network), or general home users.
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